Monday, December 31, 2012

Christmas In the Draper House

It was a busy Christmas this year in our house! We had Dan's parents and oldest brother and sister-in-law, along with our cutie-patootie niece, Bryn, stay with us all the way from Charleston, S.C. We also had his other brother and his girlfriend, and my parents and sister, and some friends, popping in and out throughout the week. Needless to say I had little no time to update recently.

Things have calmed down around the house now, and we're slowly putting away the holiday decor and getting back to the daily grind. Today was my first day back at work in a week and a half...and boy was it S-L-O-W. Everyone else must have taken lots of time off too, because I only had three e-mails upon return.

As tonight is New Year's Eve, I'm busy making a resolutions list, most of which I'm sure to disregard within a month. "Develop a stronger sense of patience" is at the top of that list. As January rolls in, I am reminded that it's approaching the 30 day mark for the wait for our license...but, I suspect that if I can take a week and a half off during the holidays, so can the license approval people. Which means that our license will probably come later than I had hoped. Just means a few more days of sleep, right?

Looking forward to celebrating tonight, in my sparkly purple dress and heels, and looking forward to all that 2013 has to offer!


Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Room for One More

I've been promising this post! I finally got pictures of the nursery taken, now that it's just about finished. It's a little bland right now, but I'm sure it will be filled with character very shortly!

Caution: Night time, cell phone photos ahead!

It's a small room. Let's be honest...this is almost the whole thing.
The steal-of-a-deal crib (that Mom almost had a brawl over) and the mobile from our Jaycees Baby Shower!
Remember this post? I got the nursery set!

Babies need toys and books!

We have some great people with mad skills in my life!
Our friend Tiff made the first blanket, and  my Grandma made the next three.

Drawers stuffed with clothes of all different sizes, for both sexes!

I made the valance, and the jungle animals are stickers.

It looks like there is a perfect space for a name here!

I picked this up years ago from a cool, local artist and I have been saving it for a nursery ever since.

And there you have it, folks. It's almost done...just needs a kiddo! We should hear soon that our paperwork is turned into the state, and from there it's a 30-60 day wait for our license, and then anxiously checking our phones!