Monday, October 29, 2012

Catching Up

Woah! Time flies when you're having fun, huh? It's been a while since my last post...October has been crazy!

We finished our PS-MAPP classes a few weeks ago, and turned in a TON of homework, including a our books that had to be completed because we were missing our last class. It feels like time flew by, even though the classes were sometimes a little boring to sit through.

We also managed to get most of the important stuff up in the nursery- the crib has a mattress, there's a nice chair, and the dresser (ugh...the dresser...more on that at another time). Just need to hang some stuff up and throw some splashes of color in, and it should be all ready for the first kiddo to grace it. I'll post pictures sometime this week, when I'm finished with it.

We're looking forward to our final homestudy on November 5th. We'll basically spend time going through everything we talked about at the previous two, but it will be written down this time, and we'll sign off on it. She will also be checking out our place to make sure it's finally ready for placement (we shouldn't have any issues), and answer any final questions we have. From there, the supervisor at the agency will review it and submit it to DHS by December 3rd, and DHS takes 30-60 days to approve and send us our license. We are anticipating sometime after the first of the year to start getting calls, but because the holidays are such a stressful time, there is a small chance that they will make things quicker and we could be placed around Christmas. We're not holding our breath for that date, though.

I have to be honest, now that we are done with everything, I have these moments where I stop and think "WHAT are we doing? This is crazy! What if we're not ready for this?" But I'm comforted with reminders that all new parents feel that way at some point. So then I take a deep breath, and continue the journey one step at a time. It's all we can do!

On a final note: I recognize that this blog is seriously lacking in pictures. I promise I'll make that up sometime soon! But for now, check out this cute "Parents to Be" photo shoot by a couple fostering-to-adopt! How great is that?!

Until next time, friends!


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